
TRINITY TODAY 25 THROUGH THE GENERATIONS Annabel and Julian von Bibra are on a weekend trip to Melbourne, a break away from their farm in Tasmania, where they produce wool for global brands such as Country Road, Everlane and Theory. They’re joined by daughters Rose and Matilda, and son Harry, now in his second year at Trinity. Quite fittingly, we meet in a cafĂ© on Lygon Street – a place that holds many fond memories for Julian and Annabel from their College years (and a locale that at times distracted them from study, I’m told). Julian pulls out a yellow envelope. Inside is a collection of photos of the couple, fresh-faced and glowing on the »ÆÉ«app grounds. The pictures are from their wedding day in 1993. ‘Oh look at us!’ says Annabel, reaching for a photo of herself in a wedding gown, standing amid a group of smiling faces in front of the Chapel. ‘And look, there are one, two, three 
 seven Trinity girls in that photo.’ Harry leans in to inspect the picture. ‘There are a couple of relatives of those girls at College now actually,’ he says. ‘So many families come through Trinity.’ The von Bibras have especially close family ties to the College. Annabel’s great uncle Frank Ritchie attended Trinity in the 1920s, while her sister Georgina joined in 1988 (and met her husband Roderick Mainland while at College). Their son Hugo is now a resident. On the other side of the family, Julian’s uncle Henry had a particular affinity with the College; his funeral was held in the Chapel in July last year. ‘The funeral was an emotional day,’ says Harry. ‘I felt a special connection knowing my great uncle, who’s a legendary figure in our family, held Trinity in such high regard, and now I’m eating in the same Dining Hall, sleeping in the same place and doing the same things he did.’ Looking back, Julian admits there were times he found his uncle’s behaviours somewhat odd, but when he came to College, it all fell into place. ‘At family events he’d always yell out “Tiger, woo”, and I’d wonder what the hell he was on about,’ says Julian. Matilda laughs – even though she’s in her final year of school and yet to start at Trinity, it’s a term she’s become familiar with. Julian adds: ‘It’s these nuances that, when you’re in a room later, make you realise there’s a strong connection and special bond that identifies you with the College.’ For Julian and Annabel, Trinity was always a special community, but they both praise the leaps and bounds made by the College in giving students enhanced pastoral care and a plethora of extracurricular activities. This is something their son has well and truly embraced, with Harry heading up the Tiger Tones, performing in plays and musicals, and competing in a number of sports. ‘Most of us don’t have those opportunities later in life, so it’s great to see Harry making full use of them,’ says Julian. Harry adds that Trinity provides a unique experience in the way people socialise and support each other. ‘I would happily sit down with anyone at College for breakfast, lunch or dinner and instantly feel at a level where we could discuss things that are important to us and our feelings ... or just talk about whatever we liked really,’ he says. ‘I’ve never been in an environment like that before, where everyone is so friendly and supportive.’ In this way, Annabel thinks Trinity sets students up for success in later life. ‘It’s a positive spiral to get caught up in, and when you spin off into your different worlds, whatever or wherever that may be, you take all these experiences with you,’ she says. ‘It has a huge ongoing impact on people’s lives.’ Given her family’s obvious bond, a successful business and a strong network of College friends to this day, Annabel and her family are a perfect example of Trinity’s positive culture living on. Annabel and Julian’s wedding at »ÆÉ«app in 1993. IT’S ALL IN THE FAMILY Current Warden Ken Hinchcliff (TC 1976) met his wife Carole (nĂ©e Taylor, TC 1978) at Trinity. His daughter Alex and niece Anna Steer also attended the College (TC 2014 and 2006 respectively).