
Guide Dog on Campus

Resident tutor Holly Cao (3rd year Law) and her boyfriend Jian Li are raising a guide dog on College campus this year.

Petros, a yellow Labrador puppy, is now a familiar addition to the College, and can be seen wandering around the Bulpadock and elsewhere.

Holly and Jian are undertaking training sessions at Guide Dogs Victoria where they are learning how to teach and discipline potential guide dogs. Under their care, Petros is learning how to sit, stop and walk – skills important to his future as a working dog.

When Petros isn’t in training, students are enjoying his company.

‘Petros is settling in at Trinity well so far, and he loves meeting people,’ Holly said.


Pictured L–R: Holly Cao (3rd year Law), Petros (1st year guide dog!), Jian Li.


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